Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thursday, 26 February

Our jobs are finished. We completed the assigned tasks and are amazed at what we got accomplished this week:

1. Cleaned out the sub basement -- Pincer

2. Cleanded out the heating distribution area of a full dumpster worth of stuff and moved other stuff into the Pincer.

3. Tore apart shelving and re-constructed them to the fit in the Pincer

3. Cleaned up and moved boxes and storage stuff from the Gephaz.

4. Built a security wall on the plaza with wheeled swinging entrance. Made from steel framing and OSB boards.

5. Removed all the aluminum decoration on the sides of the stage (24 ft X 18ft) on both sides.

6. Framed in a ceiling for the new classroom behind the stage.

7. Upholstered chairs for the Kavi Shop.

8. Rebuilt benches for the International School basketball team.

9. Rob helped one of the office workers move.

I think that about does it. A lot of work in a short time. Today as we completed our projects and cleaned up our dust and debris we were amazed what God accomplished through us. For lunch Lon and Mary Lou took a break and went shopping to the open market. On their return they stopped for us at the Gyros shop and brought us back lunch. Aaron and Rob ordered the King Kong burger. Last year I wouldn't let Aaron get one and he has let me know it now and then.

Well, today he and Rob got theirs... imagine three big patties, lots of toppings and a roll about 8" around and 4" high. The thing probably weighed in at 1+ pounds. They finished them and didn't require any Pepto or Unicum.

After we cleaned up and started to repack suitcases, we headed off to Brad's house for supper.

Brad left his 9 passenger van here for us. Rob was our driver tonight. One wrong turn took us the wrong way across the river and around town. Thankfully we had a phone and could call Brad for directions to save the day. After supper we got a tour of the Citidella overlooking the city.
That's the pic of the day. As the day comes to a close we are anxious about returning home. Tomorrow we are headed to Vienna, Austria by train for a time of sight-seeing and weinerschnizel.

Thanks again for following our journey as we serve God wherever He calls.

Team Rhino 2009


Lora said...

What about goulash? You can't leave Budapest without having real Hungarian goulash! Sheesh.

Enjoy your trip to've earned some R&R. Well done, Rhinos. We are praying for the journey home, placing you in Jesus's hands, love and care.

Love ~ Lo (Mom)

Kathy said...

Hope you're having a wonderful time in Vienna! :) Praying for a safe flight home. love, brian & kathy