Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday, 27 February

Today was our final day full day here in Europe. After breakfast we took the train to Vienna, Austria for a day of sight-seeing, shopping, and schnitzel. What started out as a dreary rainy day as we walked to the train station, ended up being a great day in Vienna. It only started to rain when we left the train station for home at 6pm.
One of the great things about spending this final day together and not working was that we could begin debriefing. Our questions included: What do you think God accomplished in and through our team this week? What difference will this make in your life and walk with God? Would you consider going on a trip that wasn't just building or doing something and was focused on witnessing instead? These are some of the questions we discussed. I imagine we will continue processing more info as we travel home over the next 24 hours.
Onething we did agree upon was that it is amazing that we have been able to go on this trip and the other trips our church has been involved in over the past 8 years. To imagine a church our size in the rural northwoods would have teams going each year to different parts of the country and world to serve, to have so many different people go on trips, to see how God has supplied financially, and to see how God has used us to encourage and to build in His kingdom.

Thank you for following us. Tomorrow morning we will deflate our air mattresses, compress our sleeping bags and pillows, and stuff our belongs in our bags for our adventure home. Pray for good health and travel. Praise God for this opportunity to spend time together and make new friends and relationships that will last for eternity.

Now for the final "Why Wylie Question"

Why does Wylier loose air every night?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thursday, 26 February

Our jobs are finished. We completed the assigned tasks and are amazed at what we got accomplished this week:

1. Cleaned out the sub basement -- Pincer

2. Cleanded out the heating distribution area of a full dumpster worth of stuff and moved other stuff into the Pincer.

3. Tore apart shelving and re-constructed them to the fit in the Pincer

3. Cleaned up and moved boxes and storage stuff from the Gephaz.

4. Built a security wall on the plaza with wheeled swinging entrance. Made from steel framing and OSB boards.

5. Removed all the aluminum decoration on the sides of the stage (24 ft X 18ft) on both sides.

6. Framed in a ceiling for the new classroom behind the stage.

7. Upholstered chairs for the Kavi Shop.

8. Rebuilt benches for the International School basketball team.

9. Rob helped one of the office workers move.

I think that about does it. A lot of work in a short time. Today as we completed our projects and cleaned up our dust and debris we were amazed what God accomplished through us. For lunch Lon and Mary Lou took a break and went shopping to the open market. On their return they stopped for us at the Gyros shop and brought us back lunch. Aaron and Rob ordered the King Kong burger. Last year I wouldn't let Aaron get one and he has let me know it now and then.

Well, today he and Rob got theirs... imagine three big patties, lots of toppings and a roll about 8" around and 4" high. The thing probably weighed in at 1+ pounds. They finished them and didn't require any Pepto or Unicum.

After we cleaned up and started to repack suitcases, we headed off to Brad's house for supper.

Brad left his 9 passenger van here for us. Rob was our driver tonight. One wrong turn took us the wrong way across the river and around town. Thankfully we had a phone and could call Brad for directions to save the day. After supper we got a tour of the Citidella overlooking the city.
That's the pic of the day. As the day comes to a close we are anxious about returning home. Tomorrow we are headed to Vienna, Austria by train for a time of sight-seeing and weinerschnizel.

Thanks again for following our journey as we serve God wherever He calls.

Team Rhino 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wednesday, 25 February

Hooray! We are out of the basement except for getting some tool or extension cord or something needed. We moved upstairs and up scaffolding to work on some other projects like removing decorative aluminum trim, putting up the outside board on the concrete walls for a new classroom ceiling, and getting the security wall finished outside to protect supplies for the refurbishing project. The gals had a special job just for them. They spent the day re-upholstering chairs from the Kavi. The day started off great! After unloading a supply of wood, Brad brought his fameous cinnamon rolls and we just had to take a break and eat them hot. He also told us the story of how God has moved to help refurbish this place with a special gift of over $500,000 by a local Hungarian contractor. And the guy is not even a believer yet! He did have a dream that God spoke to him and told him to have compassion. Brad says the guy's days as a pagan are numbered. How's that for God working to accomplish His mission of spreading the Gospel.

We worked later tonight, until almost 6pm. By the time we got cleaned up, showered, and ready for supper it was 7pm. For an adventure we went out to a crepe' place for polichinka's .... delicious crepes filled with whatever you want.

Only one more day of laboring around this building and creating as much dust and debris as we do finished products. But they are necessary parts of creating an attractive ministry center that speaks well of our God. Thanks for keeping us in your prayers. Everyone is doing well and no more health issues, except for Lon's back that is still bothering him, even though we let him do some light tasks today.

The Why Wyler Question:

Yesterday's answer: He had to get up extra early to buy breakfast stuff with Rob, so he couldn't sleep in like he normally does.

Today's Question: Why does Wyler grab the bakery bag first every morning before we start to eat breakfast?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tuesday, 24 February

Today was interesting. Our team worked in four different areas:
first we cleared out two different missionaries' stuff stored on top of a wall. Stuff that has been around for a year or more collecting dust and other crud. Then we split up. Sig began work on removing decorative metal work in the auditorium. Watch out below! Pastor Rob and the boys (Wylie and Aaron) started building a temporary security wall outside to get ready for the renovation and materials that will be stored out there. The gals (Mary Lou & Dennise) and Pastor Joe continued cleaning out the main heating room in the Gepaze. By the end of the day the cleaners were finally done. We even threw out two large boxes of old movie film, saving the metal storage containers for Brad. We are glad we are done with taking 90% of the stuff needing to go down in the Pincer (sub-basement) or dungeon. PR and the boys will finish their project tomorrow and well, Sig has a long way to go. What about Lon? Oh yeah now that you mention him, with all the stuff he did on Monday and being a bad patient, he aggrevated his back and we forced him to take it easy and ice it for the day. Even still you could find him now and then wandering around looking how he might help before we sent him packing, up to the couches with ice.
You might be wondering about the strange pic of Pastor Rob and Brad hanging out suspiciously by the white van. Well, Brad came back from a material run, left the van running to get help to unload, and locked himself out. They had to break in the running van while on-lookers were thinking they were stealing the thing. At least they now know they can make money on the side breaking into and stealing cars if need be.

Besides Lon everyone else is doing well health wise, we even had spicy pizza tonight at Da Wally's a few blocks from our mission. We are all now beginning our countdown of time left in Budapest. For some it will be a full week since they left home last Wednesday afternoon to begin the journey. Saturday doesn't seem too far off--while at least at night when you're not carrying stuff into a dark, dank, dingy, dusty, spidered web decorated, dung scented, dark labyrinth hole called the Pince. But then this is the assignment God has given to us-- and it would be very discouraging to do this by yourself--like Brad would need to do without us. For Brad we are an answer to prayer, getting more done in this short trip than he would be able to do in a month of workdays. So we labor on, joking and walking up and down stairs knowing we are serving God and the mission and Brad.

Today we did get a real blessing....lunch from a catered delivery service. For only $3.00 you get a full meal, enough for 2, that is great. Each morning we pick out the next day's fare and place the order. You can't beat the price---half the cost of Burger King and more than twice the amount of food without all the fat and calories. Tomorrow we will make up the calories as Brad will bring his special cinnamon rolls... remember past trip people, the smell, the icy gooey frosting, the warm melt in your mouth sweet bread ....yum yum yum! Can't wait for coffee time on Wed.
Now the Why Wyler Question ----Yesterday's answer:
He was trying to put the camera way.
Today's question: Why is Wyler in bed already at 9:30pm tonight?
Thanks for reading and responding.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday, 23 February

Don't worry Dennise isn't get fresh with Lon. She was just practicing her endeavor of being a massage therapist. The only taker she had was Lon, but Mary Lou said when she was better trained she would make an appointment. Just kidding!!!!! Oh my achy breaky back is Lon's current theme song. We think Mike Rowe should come on our next mission trip. We definitely were part of a Dirtest Job scene today working in the sub-basement known as the Pintcer. This is part of the heating distribution system carved out under buildlings with low ceilings and dirt floors and septic pipes that sometime break. Just think of a dungeon in the middle ages and you will be on the right track. Our task the early part of the week is to clean out years of collected debris, sorting, smashing, and saving some in new locations. This is part of the rejuvination project that will begin in mid March by a local contractor as he puts in a new heating and septic system. Lon's back is still on the frizt but we couldn't keep him down, which probably is making it worse. We have given him a mandate to take it easy tomorrow, which goes against his natural tendency. Aaron's stomach ailment is getting better especially when we tell him he will need more Unicum. The ladies are holding up and doing their part in getting dirty and shopping and keeping their husbands in line. Although we have to wonder about one of the gals dancing across the stage wrapped in what looked like an old table cloth thinking she was on vaudville. I'm glad Dennise was more mature. The boys had a great time throwing things off the second floor into the dumpster or concrete. The more glass objects they could get their hands on the better. You will have to ask them about what happens when you throw old theater seats that are connected in sections of four. The neighbors must have thought explosions were taking place in the alley way.

Our lunch today was real hungarian.... Burger King-- Can you believe Wyler ordered a triple size whopper with the works meal. Tonight is an open evening as we tell stories, laugh, and relax. Thanks for reading these mussings and writing back.

The answer for the Why Wylie question yesterday was.... Wyler wears "scent lock" .

Today's Why Wylie question is:::::::: why did Wyler try to break into the ladies sleeping quarters?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday, February 22

Church today is at 4 pm so everyone slept in realllly late before finally getting up - most of us made it to a later breakfast (except for a couple of boys). Mr. Aaron complained about an upset stomach and started to go for the Pepto - Big Mistake! Dad made a run down to the Match (grocery) for a bottle of Unicum to fix Aaron up. This stuff smells like turpentine and tastes like paint thinner. Poor Aaron choked down 2 doses over the day and should be forever cured of any desire to experiment with boose down the road.

Brad came about 11:00 to take us on tour. We enjoyed a trip up Castle Hill, Fisherman's Bastian, and got to watch the changing of the guard at the President's residence. Ask Wylie about his traditional initiation to the ancient city involving a statue. Brad drove us around and pointed out more sites around the Pest side of the city.

After returning to the Mosi there was time for some lounging and reading. Then down to church service, all in Hungarian; followed by a road trip with Brad to the Ikea store for Swedish meatballs (an afront to Sig's Norwegian ansestry) and on to a tradional concert by a men's choir. Aaron didn't know about the night out so he and Pastor Joe stayed back for an adventure of their own. They enjoyed some crepes, but missing busses, etc meant some significant walking.

10:30 and nearly time for the guys to turn in - the ladies are down for the count.

Now for the Why Wylie humor of the day......

The answer to yesterday's Why Wylie question is 'So he can hide out from work.'

Today's Why Wylie question is 'What kind of deoderant does Wylie use?'

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Saturday, 21 February

Each trip has its own challenges and dynamics. This trip has its own version with four newbies:
Our first double injury... Dennise wapped her head on a low ceiling that knocked her down. Lon pulled his lower back lifting something. Wyler was accosted by a street person. Mary Lou laughted so hard her Chinnese dinner became nasal. Joe has searched and repacked his luggage so much the zippers are worn out. Sig tried to use a credit card that was flagged by the company for out of country use. Night owl Rob hit the bed at sundown -7pm. And Aaron actually looked for a gift for his girl friend's mother and not his own. So you can see this trip is different.

Sig can't believe we are not doing more work yet after being here for a day and a half. But it is the weekend and we do know how to make a mess. With Sunday services tomorrow we were limited in making piles. Today we cleaned out one section of the Pintser...a dung dungeon of darkness, dirt, dust, deadly diseases, and years of debris deep in the bowels of the building. Between low ceilings, pipes, hanging electrical cords, uneven floors, and odiferous smells, the most hazardous part was trying to work with 8 others hauling things out. Years of collected "some day we will want this stuff" was hauled outside and a sign was posted "Take this home."

Brad was hoping people would just walk off with the stuff so as not to have to pay for extra dumpsters. Eventually a gypsie friend was willing to haul some of the stuff off. Can't wait until Monday when we will add to the piles and start moving new stuff into our cleared-out storage area

Tomorrow we are looking forward to seeing more of Budapest and the church service is now at 4pm. That's right! They worship together at 4pm in the afternoon. So the crew is looking forward to sleeping in a little before we venture out. Pray for our team and Lon's back. Right now it isn't too bad... no crawling on hands and knees or cringing with pain when he gets up, but it is tight.

Our "Why Wylie" question of the day is ....Why does Wyler wear all camo while working?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday Evening, 20th Feb.

We are here in Budapest, where the temps are in the low 30's and snowing. Everything is white just like at home. Our flights we typical, delayed behind 20 other planes trying to take off on time which meant we were one hour late arriving into Budapest. Sleeping was only for the Rumple Stilskins among us, which we have two "red-masked" hibernators. Praise the Lord all of our luggage arrived and "compression packed" into the ministry van along with the 8 of us and our driver and navigator. Once on site, we set up lodgings for the week, moving furniture, inflating mattresses, trying to find some of the stuff we know we packed, and just getting familiar with our new environment. Brad, the ministry property director, gave us an update in preparation for our challenges this coming week.

For supper we did some walking to our favorite gyros chicken sandwiches restuarant. On the way back at the bus stop, Wyler had a local street person confront him. He thought that Wyler had taken his drink, since Wyler was still carying his beverage bottle from supper. No problem. Sig, ex-cop on salary, current cop thinking, stepped in immediately and let the fellow know to "step away from the lad". The situation resolved immediately.

As I write this it is only just after 7pm and Pastor Rob is already in bed sleeping. It just seems to early to go to bed and then sleep until 7:30am on Saturday. So the rest of us are looking for things to do that don't take much concentration trying to wait until at least 9pm

Pray for our team that no experiences any type of sickness or un-adjusted backs.

Thank you and we really look forward to your responses.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Our time of travel has arrived. Half the team, the Hjemvicks and Fisks left with our luggage for Chicago today. Very early tomorrow morning at 4:30am the four guys will leave the northwoods and begin our long journey to Budapest. We will be meeting up on the campus of Trinity Seminary and University where Jeremy Mlaker and his friend Jeremy Olson will drive our cars and us to Ohare so that we can save on parking and the long walk to the terminal. Our flight is at 2:30pm to JFK in New York and then on to Budapest arriving at 10:35am in the morning. For us Thursday travelers that is 24 hours of traveling with whatever sleep you might be able to get on the airplane. Once on the ground Brad and his team will pick us up and get us settled. We will probably begin one of the projects and work until 8pm so that we start adjusting to the 6 hour time difference in our sleep habits. Pray for safe travel and to keep the flu bug away. Oh yes, check us out on late Friday for any updates and maybe even some pics. God's grace and smile, 2009 Rhino's