Wednesday, 25 February
Hooray! We are out of the basement except for getting some tool or extension cord or something needed. We moved upstairs and up scaffolding to work on some other projects like removing decorative aluminum trim, putting up the outside board on the concrete walls for a new classroom ceiling, and getting the security wall finished outside to protect supplies for the refurbishing project. The gals had a special job just for them. They spent the day re-upholstering chairs from the Kavi. The day started off great! After unloading a supply of wood, Brad brought his fameous cinnamon rolls and we just had to take a break and eat them hot. He also told us the story of how God has moved to help refurbish this place with a special gift of over $500,000 by a local Hungarian contractor. And the guy is not even a believer yet! He did have a dream that God spoke to him and told him to have compassion. Brad says the guy's days as a pagan are numbered. How's that for God working to accomplish His mission of spreading the Gospel.
We worked later tonight, until almost 6pm. By the time we got cleaned up, showered, and ready for supper it was 7pm. For an adventure we went out to a crepe' place for polichinka's .... delicious crepes filled with whatever you want.
Only one more day of laboring around this building and creating as much dust and debris as we do finished products. But they are necessary parts of creating an attractive ministry center that speaks well of our God. Thanks for keeping us in your prayers. Everyone is doing well and no more health issues, except for Lon's back that is still bothering him, even though we let him do some light tasks today.
The Why Wyler Question:
Yesterday's answer: He had to get up extra early to buy breakfast stuff with Rob, so he couldn't sleep in like he normally does.
Today's Question: Why does Wyler grab the bakery bag first every morning before we start to eat breakfast?