Friday, February 15, 2008

Friday - Vienna

Today the Mozi is filled so it is a day off for us to visit Vienna. After breakfast the rest of the team (Jensen's and Dave left for home) head down to the train station for the 2 1/2 hour ride to Vienna, Austria. The train was very comfortable with an enclosed box of 6 seats for us. After arriving we took the subway downtown and walked around the area visiting 3 large, old and beautiful churches. Two were being renovated, with St. Charles having scafolding inside which allowed us to go to the very top of the dome to view the surrounding city of about 2 million, about the same size as Budapest. Unfortunately the windows at the top were all draped with pigeon netting so we could not get pictures of the view. The city was windy and colder than Budapest so it was a welcome break to get inside the buildings.

Before the train ride home we enjoyed a nice dinner. Aaron and Rob each had a Wiener Schnitzel as big as a pizza. Then the ride back to Budapest about 8:30 in the evening. Tonight a Christian singles group of about 60-70 people are meeting in the Mozi (each Friday night). Nice to hear sounds of this ministry center being used for God.

After some e-mailing we are out for some sleep. Here are a couple of shots from our day.


Unknown said...

Rhinos, only one more day of work!
It is great to be able to read about and see some of the work you have been able to do for His glory. Keep it up. The pictures of Vienna are nice. Rob is lifting his hands in praise!
You all take care. We are anxious to have the Rhinos land in Rhinelander!
Praying for you-

ericksons said...

We will be praying for you as you are at the point where you are weary and ready to go. Stay focused on completing your mission. Praying for safety and health as you come back this way. We miss you all and are ready to see your faces in person.
Keep the faith!
Shirley, Seth and Julianna

DBJ said...

Hey Rhinos!!

We're home to the cold and snow!!

Everything went well on the journey, ... not much sleep, but safe and sound!

Finish strong ... we love you guys!


Rhino Dave!