Monday, February 11, 2008

Monday - Day5

Today was our first work day of the new week. We are building a new kitchen, but too small for all of us to work in at one time so we got split up. Chris, Lon and Allen worked on the kitchen. Pastor Joe sniffed a lot of glue as he tiled the floor in a bathroom. He got some glue on his arm, but no solvent to remove it - so he may be wearing it home. Rob and Kathy put together the new Ikea cabinets for the kitchen. Mark was working on installing a water heater and Aaron helped in several places.

Tonight we went with Allen, Emily and Brad to the big Ikea store. They have cheap food so you can eat and then shop so we all had some Swedish meatballs and walked around the place. Picked up another cabinet and sink. Rob and Aaron rode the big carts down the aisles. Lon had to explain to our hosts that his job is to follow along, get embarassed and apologize to the locals. Pastor Joe had to get a decent pillow to sleep and also found a rather cute rat to bring home.

We stopped at a Tesco (like Super Walmart) and picked up some water, etc. for the next day, then back to the Mozi for some Rook, reading and relaxing. Thanks for the comments. Below are a few pictures from today, thanks to Rob's shutterbug talents.

Rob still having fun at Ikea!!


Cheri said...

That Rob is pretty talented, being able to take pictures of himself while he is sliding down a slide.

And Lon, I feel your pain. I won't mention any names, but you know two of my sons....

ericksons said...


Seth and Julianna think that that is Grandpa Terry going down the slide...WOW!

Aaron, you are supposed to make sure that Rob doesn't get into trouble. What are you thinking?

Lon, I am so sorry. You can wag your finger of disapproval since I can't be there to do it. You have my permission.

Glad to hear that you got a lot done even though it may not have been the first plan.

Praying for you all,

Dennise said...


This is your thrid trip with these guys. I'm glad you have your job down. Have fun!



Unknown said...

Joe and Aaron,
Even on missions trips it is possibile to slide down that slippery slope! Joe,f you bring home a rat just make sure it is a cute one and can cook like Ratatouille.
Praying for all of you. Joe, I don't want you to get stuck in Hungary, so watch out for the glue!