Sunday, February 22
Church today is at 4 pm so everyone slept in realllly late before finally getting up - most of us made it to a later breakfast (except for a couple of boys). Mr. Aaron complained about an upset stomach and started to go for the Pepto - Big Mistake! Dad made a run down to the Match (grocery) for a bottle of Unicum to fix Aaron up. This stuff smells like turpentine and tastes like paint thinner. Poor Aaron choked down 2 doses over the day and should be forever cured of any desire to experiment with boose down the road.
Brad came about 11:00 to take us on tour. We enjoyed a trip up Castle Hill, Fisherman's Bastian, and got to watch the changing of the guard at the President's residence. Ask Wylie about his traditional initiation to the ancient city involving a statue. Brad drove us around and pointed out more sites around the Pest side of the city.
After returning to the Mosi there was time for some lounging and reading. Then down to church service, all in Hungarian; followed by a road trip with Brad to the Ikea store for Swedish meatballs (an afront to Sig's Norwegian ansestry) and on to a tradional concert by a men's choir. Aaron didn't know about the night out so he and Pastor Joe stayed back for an adventure of their own. They enjoyed some crepes, but missing busses, etc meant some significant walking.
10:30 and nearly time for the guys to turn in - the ladies are down for the count.
Now for the Why Wylie humor of the day......
The answer to yesterday's Why Wylie question is 'So he can hide out from work.'
Today's Why Wylie question is 'What kind of deoderant does Wylie use?'
answer: none
Last time I was in Europe,
not wearing deodorant seemed to be the thing to do. So if Wylie doesn't wear any he will fit right in.
Praying for all of you as you begin the work week. We hope that noggins are healed and backs are better and tummies are settled!
Yep, what Candy said!
How's it going, Wy? Hope you are staying healthy, working hard, and having a great time. So what's with the deal with the statue initiation?
Aww! Too bad Aaron got sick! I hope he's feeling better! Praying for you all.
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